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Nadia Lawton resides in Jacksonville Florida with her handsome and autistic son’s ages sixteen and eighteen.  The boys are on different levels of the spectrum and each of them was diagnosed at the age of three. She’s a mother, a woman of faith, model, coach, liturgical dancer and a veteran.




Nadia knows firsthand the love, joy, tears, blessings, and challenges that comes with being an autism mother.  She has worked in the field of special needs outside of home for over fifteen years. Nadia has worked with individuals who have autism and related disabilities. She is also an advocate of autism, a proud participant of Autism Speaks bringing awareness to many people. Nadia is highly educated in this field with a creative mindset. Throughout the years Nadia has shared what she has learned with others who are on the Autism Spectrum, or with other special needs, with great success. She knows what it takes to help the parents and the child move forward as they grow through enjoying the journey of life.

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